Quickie Guide to Wine part two: sniff & scoff

QGTW now reading    intro | one  | part two | three | four | five | six | seven     Welcome back folks. Last week we talked about what the different grape varietals were and their fundamental characteristics. Did you try the Diablo Pinot or the…

Taking a beefy break at the Burger Shack

Fast-food is slowly being redressed as proper food. Take burger joints for example. They have been ‘gourmet-ised’ and have been springing up all over the capital. Smollensky’s burger shack is one of them. I get peckish when I’m out and about, so I decided to drop…

Spaghetti and fried egg ice cream at Ciao

Following my scoop! post a few weeks ago, I went on abit of an ice cream rush before summer ended. Ciao is smack in the centre of Leicester square..ok that’s an exaggeration, its more like behind Leicester square and yes that headline is not a…

Review: Baozi Inn – Ordering the essentials

There are lots of reviews of this nice little noodle place just off Leicester Sq station. Pretty much everybody roundly praised its fresh noodles and the excellent value. Most recently, Timeout showered it with praise and bestowed upon it the runner-up for best cheap eat of…

eating&reading weekly roundup 21-28 Sept 08

Weekly round-up of yummi-news from around london and the blogosphere. Now released every Sunday and brought to you by a london eater 😀 Yup thats official, a look back at the past week of latest news, offers, updates, what’s cooking and who’s eating.