Applauding the class of 2008

Graduation ceremonies in central london can be a rather colourful affair, everyone dressed up, glowing parents & excited extended family, all except the rather dreary and downright boring ceremony. Are you wondering why I’m blogging about ceremonies instead of food?

Spoonfeeding a London Eater

You know people often ask me where I find out about things to do in the city and my usual answer is “well I just do” . Strictly speaking, that’s an exaggeration because I don’t always “just do”. That part is alot of reading, spotting…

A day out at Borough market Part One

I love going to markets. I love independent producers who passionately pour their heart into their stock. In a world of mass-market consumerism with pre-packaged food manufactured with questionable methods; food is the last thing you want homogenised. Last weekend, I paid a visit to…

eating&reading roundup 19th Oct 08: Rarr!

Weekly round-up of yummi-news from around london and the blogosphere. Now released every Sunday and brought to you by a London eater  Reflecting on McCain’s eccentricity, mulling over ice skating and thinking about over-frosting cakes… all from the comfort of my brand new macbook.

Away, away, away… I’ll be back tonight.

Apologies guys, just let you know part 3 of the quickie wine guide is not going to be released this week, instead it’ll be published next tuesday. Since I caught the flu bug, my productivity has nose-dived like the FTSE 100. In addition, I’m in the…

Seven course heaven at L’Autre Pied (Review)

This is course number three. Seared foie gras, baby artichokes with a delicate pineapple sorbet and a salad of wild leaves. Notice the glassy looking sheet sitting on the sorbet, that’s peppered sugar. Oh yes, peppered sugar. Are you ready for this?

Have you ever eaten in complete darkness?

There are only a few places in Europe where you can find a restaurant which does this. Fortunately for us folks in London, you can experience this at Dans le Noir. No I’m not pulling your leg, this is a genuine restaurant and a very real concept.