Waking up to a square pie. (review)

Square pie , Selfridges 400 Oxford Street W1A 1AB, 020 7318 2460 £5 per pie , £6.99 meal deal with mash, gravy, mushy peas and the whole nine yards. The selfridges food hall is still a thing of wonder ladies and gentlemen. It’s been there…

Rebranding LE

london eater is the one man eating machine chomping his way through his beloved city of smoke. Londoneater is officially 4 months old..yesterday. To mark the momentous occasion, I went on a rebranding spree and gave it a nice spit-shine. It’s all about minimalism and…

Christmas at Charlotte’s Place (non-review)

I was struggling with this one. I think this will be my first non-review-review since it wasn’t my intention to make the trek out to Ealing specifically to eat here. I wouldn’t say that I was dragged either, but for a variety of reasons, I was the self-appointed…