Life in boxes of Belgian Chocolates

The spoils from my recent travels continue to pile on, and this time I have returned from Brugge looking much rounder and feeling much richer – chocolately speaking. I hope you chocolate lovers out there will enjoy this post.

Monthly Wallpaper Giveaway – August ’09

Yes, this is for your mac or PC desktop and you are free to use it for personal pleasure, if you exploit it, I will sue your arse off. Available in two versions: Widescreen 16×10 or Standard 16×12. Click on appropriate size for your monitor,…

Tom Ilic, far far away.. [invite to review]

There are two Toms in London who appeal to me. Both are men of food and both have legends written about their conquests in the kitchen. “Why yes of course I would like to sample an all expense paid meal at Tom Ilic” when their…

Nasi Lemak at Rasa Sayang

The class falls silent; my eyes turn toward the fluttering curtains, Miss V’s constant chalking against the green board is fast becoming hypnotic and my eyes can barely stay open. The tummy, now rumbling like a motorcycle is in dire need of some refuelling. Is…

Pierre Herme, Paris.

So this is the summer box. Faultless presentation, the box is so shiny, you can actually see the distorted reflection of my arm in it. Years ago when he began, Pierre Herme actually opened his first boutiques in Tokyo, before coming back to his motherland to satisfy French sweet teeth. I settled on a bench outside the nearby St Sulpice church to break open the box.

La Fontaine de Mars, Paris [revue]

Paris! I went, I ate and I ate even more. Reporting back with all the action from the weekend of excess, we start with this truly French Bistro located in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower.

My London Restaurant Guide in July 2009.

I’ve been looking at Parisian Foodblogs for places to eat since I’m going to be there this weekend, and kept longing a summary or list of the best restaurants/bistros/cafes to try; suddenly lists are such useful things. It’s given me motivation to do an update…

Hawksmoor: Steak…!! [review]

The internet is in agreement: The Hawksmoor steaks are to die for. But let’s not jump to conclusions just yet. Bring on the mandatory steakporn and let the procession begin.