We should stick together, I’m bringing us all in this post. This is also my way of saying a big thank you to everyone, also think of this as a little ice breaker too, I’m sure some of you have met each other, and some haven’t, either way, we are all here to to share our edibilties 😀
I’ve noticed that foodbloggers (in addition to loving food) all share one other trait: They love life. Its solidified my belief that foodies are as such because it’s part and parcel of the wonderful colours and vibrancy that makes life… alive.
I think places like foodbuzz are great because it creates that community, like a camaraderie and that we are truly not alone… because as you can tell from my stumble post, there are so many foodlovers out there. In addition to getting connected on stumbleupon, I’m posting here to give everybody a little highlight and shout out. The blogosphere is such a wonderful thing, the more connected we become, the more popular we become – well and truly the information age.  One of my favourite blogs is worldfoodieguide. Helen replies to every single comment, go on her site and check it out. It is just such a nice feeling when the reader gets acknowledged by the blogger. Her blog just turned one, so go check her out guys. So following in her foodsteps, I’m going to try and reply each and every comment as best I can. I may miss out a couple but if you don’t hear from me, nudge me again, and I’m sure you’ll catch me the 2nd time round.
So here’s a shout out to my new foodie friends both on foodbuzz and stumbleupon:
Megan, that is one umami charged potato chowder recipe. Did I mention I love potato chowder? Megan for stumbleupon, try adding more friends, then navigate to your blog post you want, then click ‘Send To’ on the stumble toolbar and send it to your friends and ask them to stumble it. The more people stumbling it, the more traffic you should see, Try that!
I am a firm believer of trying all kinds of food, food is an adventure and it really can be so much fun! I tried scorpions and fried ants once…. though I won’t go there again 😀
I love your website and I love bentos. I get mine at a place in London called Japan Centre, especially the spicy cod with rice, half boiled egg on the side is so nice.
Ryan, your recipes are pretty mouth-watering, just reading about this hearty breakfast casserole, wow, potatoes, eggs, saugages, garlic, pastry. Im happy just reading it.
Kian, the mid autumn festival looks great! Infusing chinese style with harlem, wow, that is just so unique! Im sure it tastes as good as it looks! Guys, this is a chinese foodblog, chinese food is a very rich and diverse cuisine, lots of interesting and tasty dishes. It’s part of my heritage so its got a special place in my heart. Go read it foodlovers, you’ll like it.
On this post, she’s talking about the canning process, its actually quite an interesting read! By the way, I love your blogname, engineering is quite dear to my heart too.
Kittie, you’ve been stumbled and your recipes are nice 🙂 chocolate banana cakes. mmmm..Its about 9pm here, but I’m running out to get some cupcakes after reading it.
I didnt know foodbuzz sends free gifts?! I’m just signing my fp contract now and sending it off, hope i get some free aprons too! you have been stumbled!
Your blog is so tastefully designed, I particularly like the clean layout and the feature post at the top. very nice, I love sydney by the way, I was there 2 years ago and my mates took me to the fish market for fresh lobsters. I was also at a place called makoto, what great sushi! I also ventured out to the vineyards in hunter valley. Sydney’s great, keep writing, I’m a faraway fan.
‘Lick your plate clean’ Tantalising Bethany! I’m loving the food pictures on your site! Konofa rich, creamy, cheesy, crunchy, sweet and savory desert … sounds like my kind of food 🙂
Hey this is a nice recipe, couscous is one of my favourite foods. I’m always under the impression that coucous are is one of those rare healthy foods that manages to taste great too.
We both love hummus bros … except her banner is sooooo nice. the bokeh in the background is so nice. Your photos are great, I wish I could take pictures like some of the blogs here, are you nikon or canon? I’m nikon d40, still learning about the golden triangle of aperture/shutter speed/exposure 😀
Jessie, thanks for linking me on your website, its much appreciated :), I’ve added you to my blogroll too! Say hello to the barking sous chef for me, I’d buy him a special treat if he ever comes to london!
Waffles look so great and the pictures nikon d300, I knew it! That’s like my ultimate dream camera for now, well aside from maybe the D900, pictures are too nice. You must give me tips. fledging food photography i am.
Marilyn, you being a pastry chef….your husband is a lucky man! I can picture him coming home from work and you’ve just been experimenting with 10 different puddings and he has to taste them all! Heaven.
If I missed out anybody, let me know and I’ll update this post to reflect it. You know I got into foodblogging because I love reading foodblogs and now I’m discovering there is a world of great foodblogs out there which are yet to be discovered by the general public, hopefully this can help rectify that, I hope you all keep posting guys, I’m a fan first, blogger second.
Finally, anybody need a stumble or a foodfriend, you know what to do.
I’ve noticed that foodbloggers (in addition to loving food) all share one other trait: They love life. Its solidified my belief that foodies are as such because it’s part and parcel of the wonderful colours and vibrancy that makes life… alive.
I think places like foodbuzz are great because it creates that community, like a camaraderie and that we are truly not alone… because as you can tell from my stumble post, there are so many foodlovers out there. In addition to getting connected on stumbleupon, I’m posting here to give everybody a little highlight and shout out. The blogosphere is such a wonderful thing, the more connected we become, the more popular we become – well and truly the information age.  One of my favourite blogs is worldfoodieguide. Helen replies to every single comment, go on her site and check it out. It is just such a nice feeling when the reader gets acknowledged by the blogger. Her blog just turned one, so go check her out guys. So following in her foodsteps, I’m going to try and reply each and every comment as best I can. I may miss out a couple but if you don’t hear from me, nudge me again, and I’m sure you’ll catch me the 2nd time round.
So here’s a shout out to my new foodie friends both on foodbuzz and stumbleupon:
Megan, that is one umami charged potato chowder recipe. Did I mention I love potato chowder? Megan for stumbleupon, try adding more friends, then navigate to your blog post you want, then click ‘Send To’ on the stumble toolbar and send it to your friends and ask them to stumble it. The more people stumbling it, the more traffic you should see, Try that!
Cory, I want a chewy brownie too!
I am a firm believer of trying all kinds of food, food is an adventure and it really can be so much fun! I tried scorpions and fried ants once…. though I won’t go there again 😀
I love your website and I love bentos. I get mine at a place in London called Japan Centre, especially the spicy cod with rice, half boiled egg on the side is so nice.
Emily the Chicago Eater! You know, based on your blog, I think I might have to pay chicago a culinary visit!
The big E in new england is AWESOME. I wish I was there!
Ryan, your recipes are pretty mouth-watering, just reading about this hearty breakfast casserole, wow, potatoes, eggs, saugages, garlic, pastry. Im happy just reading it.
Kian, the mid autumn festival looks great! Infusing chinese style with harlem, wow, that is just so unique! Im sure it tastes as good as it looks! Guys, this is a chinese foodblog, chinese food is a very rich and diverse cuisine, lots of interesting and tasty dishes. It’s part of my heritage so its got a special place in my heart. Go read it foodlovers, you’ll like it.
3 tips to the best french toast recipe ever. I love toast and i love eggs, mixed together is something lilke, ummm, food heaven 😀
On this post, she’s talking about the canning process, its actually quite an interesting read! By the way, I love your blogname, engineering is quite dear to my heart too.
Meaghan, your travel blog is really cool, and spoonfed, the website startup she works for is really cool too, check out both guys.
Kittie, you’ve been stumbled and your recipes are nice 🙂 chocolate banana cakes. mmmm..Its about 9pm here, but I’m running out to get some cupcakes after reading it.
I didnt know foodbuzz sends free gifts?! I’m just signing my fp contract now and sending it off, hope i get some free aprons too! you have been stumbled!
Your blog is so tastefully designed, I particularly like the clean layout and the feature post at the top. very nice, I love sydney by the way, I was there 2 years ago and my mates took me to the fish market for fresh lobsters. I was also at a place called makoto, what great sushi! I also ventured out to the vineyards in hunter valley. Sydney’s great, keep writing, I’m a faraway fan.
Gail, That is some nice food photographs! Are you a nikon or a canon girl?
‘Lick your plate clean’ Tantalising Bethany! I’m loving the food pictures on your site! Konofa rich, creamy, cheesy, crunchy, sweet and savory desert … sounds like my kind of food 🙂
Hey this is a nice recipe, couscous is one of my favourite foods. I’m always under the impression that coucous are is one of those rare healthy foods that manages to taste great too.
We both love hummus bros … except her banner is sooooo nice. the bokeh in the background is so nice. Your photos are great, I wish I could take pictures like some of the blogs here, are you nikon or canon? I’m nikon d40, still learning about the golden triangle of aperture/shutter speed/exposure 😀
Jessie, thanks for linking me on your website, its much appreciated :), I’ve added you to my blogroll too! Say hello to the barking sous chef for me, I’d buy him a special treat if he ever comes to london!
You’ve got a cool blogname, love it! and again, great pictures, wow. fan fan fan.
Waffles look so great and the pictures nikon d300, I knew it! That’s like my ultimate dream camera for now, well aside from maybe the D900, pictures are too nice. You must give me tips. fledging food photography i am.
Marilyn, you being a pastry chef….your husband is a lucky man! I can picture him coming home from work and you’ve just been experimenting with 10 different puddings and he has to taste them all! Heaven.
If I missed out anybody, let me know and I’ll update this post to reflect it. You know I got into foodblogging because I love reading foodblogs and now I’m discovering there is a world of great foodblogs out there which are yet to be discovered by the general public, hopefully this can help rectify that, I hope you all keep posting guys, I’m a fan first, blogger second.
Finally, anybody need a stumble or a foodfriend, you know what to do.
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