A walk about at the Winter Wonderland part three: people!

In part one, it was all about the big & fluorescent things, in part two we focused on (German) food. Today is the last day of hyde parkero wonderlando and in part three, we conclude this mini-series with a few snaps of the people.  The official site is here.


(Almost) Everytime I’m out and about snapping things, I manage to get alot of pictures of the people around me. It started out being completely accidental, but these days I’ve started to realise that people are what adds to the buzz of a certain place. During this walk about, I captured some pretty beautiful people.

Like these lovely ladies whom asked me to help them take a snap (with their camera). I duly obliged and also took a picture of them with my nikon. So beautiful girl whoever you are, I gave you my url, if you are reading this, then please drop me an email at kang.leong@londoneater.com.

I’ll be waiting ….. in the mean time, check out the rest of the pictures from this trip.

Wide eyed wanderer


I wish I remember how it felt like to be ten years old, to be among the lights and the people. Everything seems to be in high technicolor and everything I experience is new. Oh, wait – I still feel like that now.

Making memories in a giant snow globe


People like observing other people. People like observing other people do stuff. People sometimes don’t realise that they are being observed while observing, like the way you are observing me observing these ladies in a giant snow globe.

Don’t forget the ones who put this thing together


This was taken close to the end of the night – he’s already closed shop and his grill is almost sprinkly clean. I like this photograph, he cuts a solitary figure in his christmas grill shop ….a hard days’ night.

Abit of sparkle


This was suppose to go into part one, being that it is big and sparkly , but then I thought, well look at all the folks watching the lights, those lights are very cool.

Is he a person too?


I’d like to think so.

And on that photograph…


I actually live very close to hyde park. In fact, I live so close to it, I can run there in 3 minutes. It feels very, very lonely living in zone one considering most of my mates are in the outer rims of zone four. But it’s been close to seven years since I made my residence in west london and it’s very much home to me now.

Anyway, it’s Sunday, it’s freezing cold and I need abit of warm mulled wine to keep me going. Hope you enjoyed this series and don’t forget to spend time with the loved ones today.

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