Author: K

Lutter & Wegner, Berlin : Holiday!

I moan about the speed of my broadband alot. It’s one of these do everything type packages where by the phone line that permits me to connect to the world wide web also serves as a carrier for the TV signal. It’s an incessant system.…

Haozhan : Bold but rudderless.

This will be the penultimate entry in my unofficial 2010 Chinese cuisine fortnightly special which is (unofficially) intended to celebrate the coming Lunar New Year (Tiger) which will fall on the 14th of Feb this year. I had always been fasnicated with the idea of…

Plum Valley : Unpolished.

I once held the narrow view that only three types of Chinese restaurants exist in London. Ones that specialized in barbeque meat, others serve dim sum and the rest ripped people off. This perspective is largely unfounded as the diversity of London based Chinese restaurants…

Guiding you to Dim Sum, London and otherwise.

Dim sum is one of the most unique and entirely accessible experiences in food. The literal translation for dim sum is ‘touch your heart’ – a term chosen to describe the style which is suppose to be small, packaged, and dare I say ‘bite-sized’ to…

Yum Cha : Dim Sum, Camden style.

The countdown to Chinese New Year begins now. We are technically now at the tail’s end of the Ox year – an insidious one I must say, but in little over three weeks, we will be welcoming the year of the steely Tiger and one…

What the Michelin man said about London in 2010

As many of you have heard, the big news for restaurant obsessives this week is the (leaked) release of the 2010 update to the Michelin Guide. As usual, there are some winners, some losers and some shock decisions where potentials didn’t make the big time.…

Needoo Grill : Not quite the new Tayyabs.

Sometime in 2008, London food bloggers unanimously join in chorus to sing the praises of arguably one of the greatest (and cheapest) restaurants ever to grace London, elevating it’s status to that of legend and institution. The restaurant in question is Tayyabs. As 2009 closed,…