Taiwanese Food Festival…This Sunday!

21/10 UPDATE – There appears to be a youtube video preview for this event here.

Now, I don’t usually announce events on my blog, but I went to last year’s version of this food fest through my very Taiwanese extended family, and was totally impressed by the spread of food that was available. I had a great time, and took lots of photos (as per usual) which I blogged about here.

The official title is the 10th Taiwanese Food Fete 2010, put together by the Taiwanese Women’s Association and the Taiwanese Association in the UK.

I was surprised by the complete and total lack of publicity this festival had amongst food loving Londoners, and feel it really deserves a shout.

You’ll remember my critical rant about the Malaysian Night @ Trafalgar Square recently, which food was really wanting; well if this year’s Taiwanese Food Fest matches what they put together last year, I think food lovers will have a great introduction to Taiwanese street food.

Arranged like a night market ala Taipei, except it will be housed inside exhibition space at the Westminster Academy near Paddington, with multiple stalls selling loved Taiwanese favourites such as bubble tea, Douhua (sweet or salty tofu pudding) , beef noodles, tea soaked egg and ‘Taiwanese kebabs’ made with braised pork belly.

Pricing last year was around £3-£5 per item, and you’ll eat like a pig jumping from stall to stall. I’m guesstimating here, but I surmise that food will be prepared by Taiwanese families (and student societies) who live all over the UK, as opposed to restaurants trying to do street food, so I imagine that’s why food was more honest [at last year’s event].

I’m gonna be there, and I suppose, I will be one amongst many Chinese guys wielding a camera and pointing it at people, and occasionally food.

For reference, this is the report from last year.


2010 Taiwanese Food Fete.
Sunday 24th October 2010
11:00am – 15:00pm

Westminster Academy, 255 Harrow Road, London W2 5EZ(Zone 2, near Paddington)

Nearest Station:
Royal Oak tube station (Hammersmith &City Line)
& Warwick Avenue tube station (Bakerloo line)

Details kindly sent to me by a member of the University of Arts London, Taiwanese Society

This year is the 10th Taiwan food fete host by TWAUK and TAIUK. Don’t miss this great opportunities to taste delicious Taiwanese food/snacks. To be different than previous years, we will also display UAL Taiwanese Society artworks and provide some activities for people to experience Taiwanese culture. Taipec company would also join us to promote Taiwanese food, so please come to join us.

The below list is 1st part of our menu
飲料與甜點 Drink & Desserts
珍珠奶茶 Iced Pearl Milk Tea (Bubble Tea)
臺灣茶葉 Fine Taiwanese Tea (Cha)
台灣茶 Taiwanese Tea
豆花 Douhua (Tofu Pudding)
米漿 Rice & Peanut Milk
番茄糖葫蘆 Tomatoes on stick
草莓糖葫蘆 Strawberries on stick
葡萄糖葫蘆 Grapes on stick
西米露 Coconut Tapioca
蛋糕 Cupcakes in a variety of flavours
小吃 Taiwanese Cuisine/sanck
鹽酥雞 Taiwanese Crispy Chicken
蚵仔麵線 Oyster Thin Noodles
筒仔米糕 Fried Glutinous Rice
肉圓 Ba-Wan (Steamed Dumpling with Ground Meat)
擔仔麵 Traditional Taiwanese Noodle
紅燒牛肉麵 Taiwanese Beef Noodle
控肉飯 Braised Pork Belly with Rice
魯肉飯 Braised pork rice
刈包 Steamed meat-filled bun/Taiwanese burger
滷味 Braised Food
茶葉蛋 Tea Flavoured Egg
蔥油餅 Spring Onion Pancake
豬腳 Braised Pork Knuckles
牛筋 Braised Beef Tendon

And if you read chinese…

2010「故鄉風味‧台灣情」台灣小吃節(Taiwanese Food Fete)

一年一度的倫敦台灣小吃節又來囉!由英國台灣婦女會與英國台灣協會於倫敦共同主辦的第十屆「故鄉風味‧台灣情」台灣小吃節(Taiwanese Food Fete),將於10月24日星期日的上午11時至下午3時在Westminster Academy舉行,歡迎大家邀請親朋好友及國際友人一同前來參加。

位處日韓、東南亞與中國等各國間的台灣早已成為多元文化的薈萃之地,其獨特歷史下的豐富遺產與當地包容的南島文化成就出令世界驚艷的台灣美食。今年已邁向第十個年頭的台灣小吃節,緣起於2000年的倫敦Golders Green,幾位英國台僑因為懷念故鄉風味而邀請親朋好友一同熱鬧設攤,歡喜與眾人分享,而當年的烤香腸與彈珠檯,則成了第一年小吃節最令人難忘的回憶!一如往年,今年也將延續這份台灣人的熱情與好客精神,以熱騰騰的台灣美食溫暖了每一位台灣遊子與國際友人的心。除了道地擔仔麵、鹽酥雞、刈包之外,還有美味的牛肉麵、麻油雞、肉羹等,每一口都是精心製作的台灣料理,包準讓大家食指大動,大呼過癮。在此,竭誠邀請您樓上揪樓下、阿公邀阿嬤,呼朋引伴與我們共享台灣小吃美食,也歡迎有興趣的旅英同學會或台灣僑社一起來設攤大展好手藝,與眾人分享台灣小吃的好滋味。

今年場地與去年一樣在Westminster Academy舉辦,地面樓層將設有充滿濃濃廟會氣氛的台灣文化互動區、辦桌藝術設計展、台灣精緻美食展售(台沛)、餐券販售處等,其中「辦桌藝術設計展」是一場多樣性跨創意領域,由台灣藝術家與設計師連手掌廚的「飲藝術、食設計」,豐盛美味的辦桌饗宴「辦」出一「桌」令觀者耳目一新的「台灣味」。美食攤位則位於三樓,分成室內與室外兩區,料好實在,多樣小吃任君選擇。歡迎參加饗宴的來賓除了享受美食之外,也不要錯過今年新增的豐富展覽與文化活動。為了守護美麗的地球,減少拋棄式餐具的使用,歡迎大家自備餐具!

時 間:10月24日(星期日),11:00AM ∼ 15:00PM
地 點:Westminster Academy, 255 Harrow Road, London W2 5EZ
地鐵站:Royal Oak tube station (Hammersmith & City Line, Zone 2) or Warwick Avenue tube station (Bakerloo Line)

(注意:週末倫敦地鐵時有維修,請來賓務必事先上網查詢 www.tfl.gov.uk 確認交通狀況!此外,本活動未能提供來賓停車,場地Westminster Academy外停車格亦十分有限,請大家多搭乘地鐵或其他公共交通!)

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